Andy started to support Against Breast Cancer around 11 years ago when he was working in Jerusalem, prior to that he worked in Japan and was acquiring stamps from around the world, he is currently working and living in Israel. Sadly, his sister passed away from a brain tumour, Glioblastoma around two years ago, so supporting a cancer charity is something close to his heart.
Over the years Andy realised that many people have foreign coins that they do not use or need. He says that a lot of the clerks in the stores in the countries he has travelled to such as grocery stores don’t know what to do with them. He decided to ask them to give them to him so he can donate them to charity. He has also met many people with coin collections and again he asked if he can have them to send on to Against Breast Cancer.
At many of the jobs he worked at, he got coins as tips, but the local banks could not use them. So, he decided to send them to us to help our cause. Andy could not find a charity around that would accept non-Israeli coins in Israel.
When Andy was working in the USA in Queensbury New York, he went to purchase some ice cream and noticed that the clerk at the stand had some Canadian coins and asked her if he could purchase them from her and she agreed. Another time he was in a pizzeria in Israel and saw that the front desk person had some coins from China and Thailand, and he again asked to buy them, but was just given them. Sometimes the coins are worth so little that the clerks or store managers don’t have an interest in keeping the foreign coins. A lot of the time the clerks would go through the tip boxes for the international coins for Andy.
When the war in the Ukraine broke out. Andy took a trip with his wife and son last March to go to Mt. Hermon. They go there almost every year. They stopped at a rest area in the North of Israel. The tip box at the cashier’s desk ONLY had Ukrainian coins so he gave the clerk 10 shekels, and he purchased 10 Ukrainian coins and sent them to Against Breast Cancer. Also, he has found coins on the asphalt of Massachusetts and Maine. He was at a rest area/petrol station in Ludlow, Massachusetts and found a penny as he walked into the building, he also found a nickel on the street in Old Orchard Maine near a launderette. Whenever he sees coins on the street or asphalt – he picks them up and send them to us.
Andy says that one of the reasons he keeps sending us coins is that we always respond to him, and he says that other charities have not been so forthcoming.
Alison Wilson, Recycling Manager said “Andy is really a true supporter of Against Breast Cancer over the years and we are very grateful for all the donations that he sends in on a regular basis to the charity. Every single dime, shekel or euro received really does make a difference. Thank you Andy, for all your support over the years and we look forward to the next 11 years.”
Alongside the foreign coins, Andy also posts small ink cartridges and used stamps for our recycling schemes.