Ask any runner about taking on a marathon and they’ll tell you it’s not something you enter into lightly.
There are no shortcuts when it comes to preparation for running 26.2 miles; everything from the socks you wear to the food you eat needs careful consideration.
Fortunately, when you run for Against Breast Cancer help is on hand.
Our events team understand the demands runners face. Experienced runners themselves, they can advise on everything from nutrition and how to avoid injury to fundraising.
Whether its a first time 5k or an ultra marathon, they’re on hand to offer support and advice to ensure our runners get the most out of their chosen event.
One of the more commonly asked questions they get is how best to juggle everyday pressures and stresses with your preparation. The advice would be to rest and relax as much as possible, especially in the final week leading up to your run.
Getting married is not what we would normally consider a stress free experience, but that’s exactly what one of our runners announced he would be doing – just 5 days before taking part in the London Marathon. So together with our heartfelt congratulations, our advice has been to take it easy and get as much sleep as possible. But we know that has probably fallen on deaf ears!

A half marathon to ‘warm up’
Fortunately, in this particular case, the runner is currently undergoing army basic training, his determination, training and an excellent level of fitness will get him to the finish.
Liam, was inspired to run by his nan, a two time breast cancer survivor whose courage he hopes to emulate by completing the 26.2 mile course through London in 6 hours – not a bad time considering he’s going to be carrying 30Kg in his army rucksack for the full distance!
We’ll be wishing Liam, and each of our runners the very best of luck as they take part in their chosen event this year. We look forward to hearing stories about their experiences and achievements and we’ll keep our fingers crossed that they all make it round injury free, and – for the most part – they remember to enjoy it.
If you feel inspired to take on your own sporting challenge event, contact our Events Team to see how we can support you reaching your goal.