University Fundraising
Get startedThe last year has brought about many challenges for the education sector and the pandemic has certainly changed the university experience.
Are you a student looking to develop your CV, gain some work experience within your degree or have a strong passion to support Against Breast Cancer? Welcome to our University Hub, answering the five W’s about fundraising for a charity – Why? What? When? Who? Where? – as a university student.
Have you been thinking about your bucket list, and what you would love to tick off once we have come out of the other side of the pandemic?
There couldn’t be a better time to plan your first adventure…and here are some suggestions:
- Learn a new skill
- Get pro at baking
- Be more sustainable and help save the planet
- Take on a new sport!
- Volunteering
- Complete a running event
- Climb Kilimanjaro
- Complete the Three Peaks
- Skydive
- Host a Birthday fundraiser
- Hold a University fundraiser
Learn a new skill this year
Why not take on the Knit for Nip Challenge. Who says students can’t knit?
Learn to bake
Request a Breast Tea Ever fundraising pack and host a virtual bake off or afternoon tea with friends. This includes some delicious recipes from our amazing supporter Fiona, who always bakes up some popular treats for our annual community event Splash of Pink. There are even step-by-step videos for you to follow.
Be more sustainable and save the planet
Why not do a clothes sort out? All those unwanted and unworn pieces that are sat in your wardrobe could help raise vital funds into secondary spread. You may event have bras, ink cartridges or stamps – we recycle them all. Find our more about how much of a difference recycling can make to Against Breast Cancer and maybe even order a bra bank for your university!
Take up a new sport
From setting up a pink Against Breast Cancer netball team, to starting to cycle, this year is the year for taking on a new sport and putting yourself to the test. You could even host a tournament or a competitive game day against your opposing university. Pink up your sport and Play it Pink!
Give your time
Volunteering is a wonderful way to support a charity. Not only is this valuable for the charity, but it also provides you with opportunities to gain new skills and strengthen your CV as a student. Volunteering is not always stewarding at events. You could be helping with anything from promotion, photography, recycling or creating Christmas decorations for the online shop. At Against Breast Cancer we have a range of volunteering opportunities available, and we always welcome new ideas. Check out our ABC Volunteering Hub to hear about the newest opportunities.
Complete a running event
If you are all about the miles, we have lots of running events that you could take part in, including the Saucony London 10k and Oxford Half Marathon.
Take on an adventure challenge overseas
Don’t let budgets put you off attempting one of the many trekking and cycling challenges we have to offer. Event organisers Global Adventure Challenges offer a wide range of ways that you can afford your trips such as flexi-funding options. You could even climb Kilimanjaro, the world’s largest free-standing mountain!
Complete the Three Peaks
If giving up home comforts for nearly two weeks is too much though, you could also think about a challenge closer to home like the Three Peaks Challenge – attempting to climb the highest points in England, Scotland and Wales in the space of just a weekend.
Try a Skydive
After a year of being stuck indoors, you are probably looking for that adrenaline rush – why not find it by jumping out of a plane for charity? There are skydiving sites across the country and if you raise enough sponsorship, your skydive is free!
Why not make a wish list?
Create a list of all the things you may need for your challenge, including how much money you would like to raise for Against Breast Cancer. Birthdays and Christmas will be easy! You could even set up a birthday fundraising page via Facebook.
Is hosting a live event part of your university studies?
Perhaps you would like to raise donations for a charity, whilst hosting your live event to excel within your degree. From sharing materials and digital content, Against Breast Cancer will be able to support your event.
Get startedOne of the common misconceptions of fundraising is that you need a pocket full of money, and this certainly isn’t the case. Starting with £0, the more you spread awareness and connect with people/local businesses, you will find that the cause is relatable to many and want to support you within your fundraising journey, whether that be a donation of £1 – £100.
Against Breast Cancer have already collaborated with universities in Liverpool and Birmingham, and Rachel, who is studying Event Management at the Liverpool John Moores University, has given an insight into her experiences fundraising for Against Breast Cancer, raising a fantastic £1093.98 for our vital research:
“We chose to fundraise for Against Breast Cancer because breast cancer hits home with a lot of us, as we all knew someone who had been affected by the disease.
When we first researched into Against Breast Cancer we were impressed by their bra/stamp and ink recycling schemes, not only creating income to assist the research in finding a cure but also helping less fortunate countries where items like bras are considered a luxury.
“We knew breast cancer affected a lot of people however we were shocked at the statistics, with almost 1000 people losing their lives to breast cancer each month.
“Our event was an online Friends themed trivia night along with a gin tasting. Included in the ticket price was access to the event and our postal gin in a box packages, which included 4 miniature gins, lemonade and tonic, sweet treats and informative leaflets about the charity. The event was a huge success, and we learnt a lot about fundraising.
Some people may be intimidated by the thought of raising money for a charity as they feel like they have to raise thousands otherwise it isn’t successful. However, this is the wrong mindset, every donation goes towards crucial research so that one day we can have a cure for breast cancer, no matter how big or small.
“For people who are debating doing a fundraising event or activity, I couldn’t recommend it more! Another thing that we learnt is that there are plenty of people who are willing to help! We reached out to a lot of companies to see if they were able to support us by supplying us with items for our event and the response that we received was overwhelming. If you don’t ask, you don’t get!”
Get startedEllie, a Fashion Business and Promotion student at Birmingham City University, has also shared her fundraising achievements:
“Being all online this year, it has been a challenge! Our last module was events management and as a group, we had to create a virtual event. Our event was called ’Styling a Shero’ and it focused on bringing mothers and daughters together for Mother’s Day, giving them fashion advice with a push to be sustainable.
Previously, this module has required students to hold an in-person event, raising money for charity. In 2021, the brief didn’t include charity work due to it being a virtual event, however, as a group, supporting a charity was something we wanted to carry out, raising money for vital research, during difficult times.
With our target audience being women, and personally knowing so many women affected by breast cancer, I researched breast cancer related charities. Against Breast Cancer just seemed like the perfect charity for our cause. I contacted the charity via the website, and they got back in touch immediately. They offered us content for our virtual event, they promoted our event to social media and were so helpful and supportive with what we wanted to achieve.
Every single donation we got will benefit Against Breast Cancer, and they are so appreciative. Overall, we raised £180 in a few weeks. Furthermore, after speaking to ABC, I am also donating my old bras to them, to support their crucial research, in order to help the women we all know and love.
Honestly, I am very proud of what we have achieved, not only did we hold a successful, virtual event, we raised money for such a brilliant charity. I encourage everyone who is thinking of raising money for a charity, to look into Against Breast Cancer, they couldn’t have been more willing to be involved and helpful.
Do you want to join them and start fundraising at your university? Let us know in the form below!